
Offbeat Family Farm
Address: PO BOX 1086 101-Santistevan Ln. Aztec, NM, 87410
Phone: 505-334-3290
About Us
Offbeat Family Farm began in 2008. We currently grow 1.5 acres of mixed vegetables, berries, fresh herbs, and cut flowers. We aim to be good stewards of the land by employing sustainable practices such as drip irrigation, crop rotation, IPM, use of cover crops, use of organically certified seed when available, no pesticides, no herbicides, and no to low use of chemical fertilizers. We strive to provide fresh, healthy, tasty, different, and safe products to all in our community while employing safe farm practices and providing a living wage to our workers. We currently sell at our local farmers’ markets.
Sustainable practices such as drip irrigation, crop rotation, IPM, use of cover crops, use of organically certified seed when available, pesticide free, herbicides free, low to no use of chemical fertilizers.