
Navajo Agricultural Products Industry (NAPI)
Address: PO Drawer 1318 Farmington, NM, 87499
Phone: 505-566-2600
About Us
NAPI is a Navajo-Owned Enterprise to create employment and operate a profitable Agri-business. NAPI is one of the largest contiguous farmlands in the nation and provides ‘Navajo Pride’ products internationally and locally. The NAPI farmland has an estimated 72,754 acres developed. The major crops grown at NAPI are alfalfa, No. 2 feed corn, small grains, tablestock potatoes, dry beans, organic fresh produce, native foods and specialty products. Each crop is grown to meet the highest quality under the ‘Navajo Pride’ brand. NAPI operates three Navajo Pride processing facilities: Bean Plant, Potato Fresh Pack and Flour Mill. The facilities are Global GAP certified to make Navajo Pride products one of the highest quality products in the market.