
Greydanus Garden, N.E corner Highway 491 # 64 (300 yards west of mile post 23)
Contact: John & Marcia Greydanus
Address: p.o. box 10 Shiprock, NM, 87420
Phone: 505-354-2958
About Us
Our farm is really but an oversized garden that is 40' x 120'. My wife and I take care of the garden and plant all our vegetables from either seed or home grown seedlings. We rotate our crops on an annual basis and over the course of years many people have stopped by asking for suggestions and just wanting to see how we garden as it ordinarily looks rather lush, green, and colorful. The colors come from the annual and perennial flowering plants grown along the garden edge and among various vegetables to keep the unwanted bugs a bit at bay. Our garden is pesticide free and use horse and cow manure (spread and plowed in the late fall season) is used for fertilizer. Most of the work after the rotor tilling prior to planting is done by hand. Though not completely weed free not many weeds can be seen when looking at the garden which is fenced in on all sides. We water the garden from a well that is on the property.
Should you want to stop by and look at the garden while in Shiprock, feel free to do so.
Should you want to stop by and look at the garden while in Shiprock, feel free to do so.
Please see above under the description.